Statement, 2023
My work exists in spaces between sculpture and jewelry; creating work for the body and the buildings that hold our bodies. Using fibers, fabrics, and hand-detailing, I celebrate queer escapism with ominous, obsessive opulence while grappling with being newly disabled. Inspired by floral couches and the all-consuming ~*ennui*~ felt on them, I make pseudo-tapestries and small sculptures that serve as love letters to the couches that have held my body as it sinks, rests, resets. As the world boils, our queer rights are stripped and my body breaks down, I celebrate the brief moments of blissful escape, staring at the pretty drag queens on the television.
I utilize play as process, keeping myself happy and laughing without rules or traditional techniques. Pinks and sparkles are prominent in my work, celebrating and critiquing the girly-girlness I was raised with while finding my place in all of that now as a femme non-binary lesbian. Moments of joy, questioning, and confession are shared in overly-long titles to discuss misremembered nostalgia, forced necessary rest, and internalized femme hysteria. My work manufactures queer joy even when I have none myself.
My childhood bedroom, beautifully designed by my mother. 1992 - 1999.